Cute Chat Messanger

  •  03-20-2007, 2:50 AM

    Cute Chat Messanger

    Hi adam

    I have as 2.0 site . I want to integrate Cute Chat Messanger. I down loaded

    1)cute chat standalone package
    2)Cute Chat3Integration Package

    When i try to integrate the messanger on my web site using the tag
    <%="<"%><%="script"%><%=" src='"%><%=ResolveUrl("~/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/IntegrationUtility.js.aspx")%><%="'"%><%=">"%><%="<"%><%="/script"%><%=">"%>
       <img src="<%=ResolveUrl("~/CuteSoft_Client/CuteChat/images/icon_invite.gif")%>" align=absmiddle><a href="###" onclick="BLOCKED SCRIPTChat_OpenMessenger()" >Messenger</a>

    The Messanger gets opne and when i click on, Sign in -- it gives me eeror msg anynoymus users are not allowed , login to the website first to use the messanger ???

    Cant i log in to the messanger without visting the login page of cute chat site??


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