Unselectable and contenteditable

  •  03-30-2007, 5:57 PM

    Unselectable and contenteditable

    One of the interesting features of the editor is the ability to protect a template.  However, it is certainly not foolproof.  Even if a <div> is set to be unselectable and uneditable, you can still delete stuff within it and change properties.
    Any chance you will fix this in 6.0?  It would be a really powerful feature. 
    I would like to allow the user to enter content into a defined area only, and not be able to move the area, or modify in any way anything outside the area (or other areas like it).  This could be via an absolute-positioned layer.
    I would like to retrieve the area contents and save them w/o the template (via string search mechanism I assume - I don't expect you to provide that feature)
    This would allow keeping the content separate from the template - allowing the user to change templates at any time, and the resulting combo of template and content is recombined when the page is requested.  I would do this by replacement of the area tag with the content from the db.
    Probably not something you are going to do, but it would be really nice - and open up a whole new range of applications...
    P.S.  I note that using a protected formset with layers for content "almost" works.  The layer extends downward as you add content, but alas the formset does not - it is not connected to the resizing process of the layer.  Thus, if your template has "bottom of page" stuff that needs to move with the content additions, you are SOL.
    Ideally, the solution would be to allow a table to be protected, and one or more cells to not be.  And, of course the table properties, cell properties, and all protected cell contents unchangable by the user - only changes within the unprotected cells would be allowed.  Naturally, the cell would grow downward if more content were added, thus pushing lower cells lower as well.
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