Problem with display:none and firefox

  •  04-02-2007, 8:35 AM

    Problem with display:none and firefox

    Grabbed your ASP component for integrating into our current system, and it worked really great until we tried to implement it to how our current design is working.

    We have a step-by-step way of adding things and depending on what the user chooses certain HTML elements are shown or hidden. And its now the problem occurs, when the user loads the page the editor is in a div with style="display:none" and later on is shown with style="display:block";

    Now the user cannot enter anything into the editor unless first changing to HTML view and then switching back. Although the editor now works i cannot grab it later when submitted.

    Took a few hours too narrow it down to this problem, you guys have any solutions besides making a new sort of design?

    Everything works perfectly fine in IE by the way.

    Thanks for any responses.

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