V6.0 - Upgrade and Licensing Questions

  •  04-16-2007, 7:00 AM

    V6.0 - Upgrade and Licensing Questions

    FYI.. this forum is acting VERY badly in FF.. had to switch to IE to write this post..   (editor did not allow writing until I switched the view from normal to HTML and back..  then received a jscript alert error when clicking numbering).
    That aside (I will assume you have not upgraded the forums), thanks for releasing 6.0.  Looking forward to the ajax support and the smaller footprint.  2 questions:
    1. Is the migration procedure documented?  I am a licensed 5.3 user and am using CE in several places in my application.  Can I just switch out the dlls and references, or are there changes necessary at the page level when I instantiate CE?  I found installation instructions, but nothing about upgrades.
    2. Will my current license file work, or do I need to get a new one issued for 6.0?
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