I have a list of questions for you Adam

  •  04-16-2007, 8:27 AM

    I have a list of questions for you Adam

    File Uploads - I havent got to try this yet. But does this allow files to be shared between each chat member? Is there a way to limit the sharing to just moderator to user rather than user to user?

    Whisper - My client wants the ability to have the whisper ONLY between the moderator and the user, not user to user. Is this possible?

    Where do you find the IP of the users? This is to be used in the Deny/Allow IP in the admin section.

    Is there a way to keep the chat program from loggin the chat? My client does not want any record of the chat in the database period. For legal reasons. How do I keep it from logging anything in the database?

    I believe this is it for now Adam. Thanks for the time.

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