Re: Getting build errror with ver 6

  •  04-16-2007, 10:24 PM

    Re: Getting build errror with ver 6

    I am receiving the same error message.
       * I have checked="checked"="checked="checked"" and the tag is registered correctly at the top of each page.
       * I have also ensured I have the correct references in my web project.
    Furthermore, it would not take long at all for a developer to go through the CuteSoft_Client and make it XHTML compliant.
    If you do not have the resources, I would happily do it for you (for a cost obviously), however, it is extremely annoying when compiling your project to see all the errors that CuteSoft outputs. Surely this is a MUST FIX.
    Would really love a fast response as my project must be released tomorrow and I am stuck in the mud now.

    Stephen McCormack
    MWeb Solutions Pty Ltd
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