Re: Add a caption to an image

  •  04-19-2007, 7:55 AM

    Re: Add a caption to an image

    We're trying to setup a community journalism initiative where people with little or no web skills could submit simple articles to us.   These articles might contain one or more photos with captions and credits beneath them, and these have to conform to our style (we're a newspaper and my bosses are very particular about style).  Unfortunately, setting up a DIV in CE may be more than we can expect these people to be able to do.
    I suppose our only option left is:
    1. Let them insert an image and have them fill in the longDesc field via the image dialog
    2. After the article is saved, parse the text to find the image and place the caption as needed.
    Of course, it looks like templates might let us do this as well but I'm having some difficulty figuring them out.
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