CuteEditor 6.0 and ASP.NET 2.0 asp:DetailsView Problem

  •  04-23-2007, 2:41 PM

    CuteEditor 6.0 and ASP.NET 2.0 asp:DetailsView Problem

    I try to load the CuteEditor inside an  asp:DetailsView and I get a javascript error on Line: 27 Object Expected.  I'm able to load this outside of the details view fine.  Does anyone have any suggestions?


    Lee Harris
    Programmer & Database Developer

    HLB System Solutions
    50 Malcolm Road
    Guelph, Ontario N1K 1A9
    Phone: 519-822-3450 Ext. 239
    Fax: 519-822-8861

    Disclaimer: The contents of this post are provided "as is". There is not warranty on code found in this post.
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