license error when creating Cute Editor dynamically from within a Custom Webpart or Class Library

  •  04-26-2007, 5:51 AM

    license error when creating Cute Editor dynamically from within a Custom Webpart or Class Library


    I get a license error when creating Cute Editor dynamically from within a Custom Webpart:

    ‘A valid license cannot be granted for the type CuteEditor.Editor. Contact the manufacturer of the component for more information’

    The Custom Webpart is in a class library, referenced by the Website.
    I can
    create the Cute Editor dynamically OK in a Web Form on the Website that hosts the Custom Webpart

    I get the same error if I try to create the Cute Editor dynamically in a class in a standard class library (the class is called from the same Website)

    I have only the evaluation license that comes with the download - could this be the problem?

    I've given the class libraries in question references to the CuteEditor dlls, and put the cuteeditor.lic in the same bin folder as the dlls.

    Any ideas?
    Regards, johnb

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