table background images

  •  05-07-2007, 6:13 PM

    table background images

    As far as I can tell, there seems to be a "problem" with XHTML in that some image source paths that can be used for an image cannot be used for a table background image - unless the image is in a subfolder relative to the page.
    Specifically, the URL "/folder/folder/filename.jpg" will work just fine for an image, but will not work for a background image.
    (unless I am doing something stupid - I have tested this on simple pages with simple tables)
    Thus, you cannot use table  background images in the Editor.  However, if you could detect this case and use the "../../" method of locating the background image, it will work fine.  Of course it will stop working if you save the file and use it somewhere else at a different folder level...
    Is there a setting I am missing here?  This is not truly an editor bug, but (as far as I can surmise) an HTML bug, but it could be corrected with a "fix" in the editor...?
    Is there another way around this issue I don't know about?  I have tried "~/folder/folder/filename.jpg" to no avail, as well.
    P.S.  It appears that the "../../" solution works for tables but not in the editor.  In the past, I have solved this problem using an absolute patht ( to make it work (not in the editor, but on a webpage)
    P.P.S. I assume this is a bug in IE7
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