Printed output being shrunk

  •  05-12-2007, 1:28 PM

    Printed output being shrunk

    CE appears to be shrinking content to fit into a page when printing.
    Images that I insert into the CE editor are getting shrunk when being printed. So is text.
    To demonstrate this, I start by placing this code in Microsoft FrontPage and printing it:
            <div style="width: 907; height: 809"><font size="4">This is size 4 font test</font>
            <div><img height="768" alt="" src="file:///c:/inetpub/wwwroot/oneto1/uploads/originalversion_doc.jpg" width="904" border="0" /></div>
    The page prints correctly. The font size is correct.
    When I paste the same code into CE (with EditCompleteDocument set true), it shrinks everything to fit and also shrinks the printed output!
            <div style="width: 907; height: 809"><font size="4">This is size 4 font test</font>
            <div><img height="768" alt="" src="" width="904" border="0" /></div>
    If I set EditCompleteDocument false and paste the code in the HTML editor, CE still shrinks everything on output ....
    If I delete the img from the content, the sentence, "This is size 4 font test" still doesn't appear the correct size.
    Am I crazy, or is this really happening?
    If it's happening, then how do I get CE to faithfully print the document the correct size? Is it something in the browser (I tried both IE and Firefox - they both do the same thing)....
    Help, please...
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