CuteEditor v6 right-click menus split/pull apart

  •  05-24-2007, 6:47 PM

    CuteEditor v6 right-click menus split/pull apart

    Hi Adam,
    I need an urgent bug fix. A former poster wrote about this, but it's not fixed yet:
    It seems that when a Cute Editor control is placed on a page that can be scrolled up/down
    (long page), multi-step right-click menus pull away from each other. The problem can be
    seeing on the following screen:
    1) scroll all the way down;
    2) right-click int he editor's body;
    3) point cursor to "Formatting", "Verbs" or "Tags" in the menu;
    Distance between menu and submenu gets larger if the page is longer. It seems that submenu
    position is calculated based on absolute page top position vs the top of the screen.
    Please see also following related links regarding this problem in the forum:
    --> I downloaded/installed your latest version (24.05.2007), I work with IE7 on
    WinXP Pro and use .NET 2.0 + AJAX (former ATLAS).
    Is there a 'quick fix' possible or requires this more effort?
    Kind Regards,


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