CuteChat, Cute Messenger and Cute Live Support

  •  05-28-2007, 10:49 AM

    CuteChat, Cute Messenger and Cute Live Support

    Hi Adam,
    I already own CuteChat and Cute Messenger, however I am considering Cute Live Support. I downloaded the Cute Live Support, however the files and the file structure appear identical to that of CuteChat. I am guessing CuteChat and Cute Live Support use the same files?
    I have customised my website slightly and don't want to have to overwrite all my hard work. Is it simply a case of adding a license file and that Cute Live Messenger will work? Is this is the case, can the online/offline status button be placed anywhere? I hope you can clarify this.
    Also I am happy with CuteChat, however I would like to place a bottom advert on chat rooms. At the moment I just have the top advert and I'd like the same on the bottom. I'd like it so both advertising areas can display different adverts. Could you link me updated file(s) so I can easily accomplish this?
    Many thanks
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