Re: keypress event..

  •  05-31-2007, 11:52 AM

    Re: keypress event..

    Please read my comments in black bold below and reply as soon as you can...
    Please use the following code to get HTML code first.

        // get the cute editor instance
        var editor1 = document.getElementById('<%=editor.ClientID%>');
        // Get the editor HTML
        document.getElementById("myTextArea").value = editor1.getHTML();
    Then extract the Plain Text from the above HTML code.
    This means, your javascript API dont have any function that should return only the plain text, like here i am writing a plain text, i may need only this text, not the html like its bold, but i need only plain text... and please note one more thing, i may write here html as well for example; <b> hello world </b> any several other html codes as well, but if i have to write my own scripts to extract plain text from the html code of the editor then this will be a problem, because whatever html i will write here will gone as well... I believe, your javascript API should have a function that returns all the text but not html... for example editor1.getText() instead of getHTML.. however getHTML is also cool but it depends on usage... i really need just plain text..
    Please listen, what my problem is;
    i need to create a text counter outside this editor.. like i type abc, the counter value must be 3, so on each keypress, after i enter a character that counter function will count the number of characters in this window.. for example, i set the maxtext limt to 1000 of this editor... then i need a counter that will start from 0.. and will increment on each keypress, so that user will know, how much more characters they can enter... hope you are understanding what i mean..
    as i have used your ASP function of maximum text limit.. you have two type of functions, maximum text limit and another is for maximum html limit.. the same way, i believe you can easily create a javascript function to just get the contents instead of complete editor's html.. hope you are getting my point...
    >>another very important thing  is that, i played with the provided demo.. but its not working when i press a key with ctrl or shift key.. i really need the resolution of this problem urgently.. please suggest something in this regard...
    Click the Attach Event button then do key press to test this example.
    yes, i did the same way... i did key press, it works well while pressing just a key.. but if i need to press a key with shift key or ctrl key like shift + A or any other character then this keypress event not works...
    please do reply as soon as you can...
    its very urgent...
    waiting for your great response..
    Nadir Ali Shah
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