Hey Adam,
I was able to figure out what was going on. CuteEditor 6.0 doesn't like the way that my application is using session state. When I add the following line to my web.config:
<sessionState mode="SQLServer" sqlConnectionString="Password=#S3rv1ceAcc0unt!#@HAI;User ID=SACWeb;Data Source=haysof_dev_jmh\SQL2000" cookieless="true" timeout="120" />
I get the error "Failed to load impl code!" when I run any page that has the CuteEditor control on it. When I remove that line from my web.config, the error never comes up and everything runs peachy (as far as CuteEditor is concerned).
Just thought I would pass this along. I'm now going to have to figure out what I'm going to do about how I handle persisting session information.