Questions about the chat

  •  12-15-2004, 5:09 AM

    Questions about the chat

    The company I work for are in need of a chat for a website for kids with parents with mental illnesses. The chat is supposed to only be open a couple of hours a week and with a trained psychiatrist as administer.
    We have downloaded the trial version of the chat and got the sample application to work. Weve tried different kinds of chats for websites but this one looks the best.
    Because of the sensitive subject they need to be able to kick persons and even ban them from the chat. But whenever I kick a person they cant log back in again. It just says "You are rejected". They can log back in again after the project has been rebuilt though. I cant seem to find anything about the kick in the database, is it stored in session-variables or in cookies? If so, what is the timeout?
    The other problem Ive found is that you cant close down the chat. Even if you as administer set the room as unactive the people thats already in the chat doesnt get kicked out. Do I have to manually kick each and everyone out of the room? Ive also noticed that the policy for the room isnt saved in the manage-section, is that why?
    Is it possible to have multiple administrators?
    Other then that the chat looks very good.
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