CAS error using Row and Cell properties pop-up windows

  •  06-14-2007, 8:03 AM

    CAS error using Row and Cell properties pop-up windows

    I have the CuteEditor dll (ver 6.0) installed in the bin of my application.  I have a custom CAS policy for my web application and I continue to get CAS security errors.  I have worked through most of them, but one still remains when I try to add a Hyperlink or click on the Table Row or Cell properties buttons:
    Unfortunately, I cannot copy and paste the ASP.NET error because it is in the pop-up box for the Table Row/Cell properties, but the stack trace begins like this:
    [Argument Excetion: Bad XML Unrestricted]
    System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck) +0
    I have found that the Bad XML Unrestricted message indicates a bubbling up of a CAS error.  I have worked through a number of these errors before with CuteEditor, but they all end up boiling down to this error.
    Do you know the set of permissions that CuteEditor needs for running with a custom CAS policy file?  I cannot apply fulltrust to this assembly due to security restrictions with my deployment.
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