Re: Save failure

  •  06-14-2007, 8:05 PM

    Re: Save failure

    Adam -- Most likely you are correct and it is not a cute editor issue!
    This page has a dropdown listbox (external to Editor text box) as a part of the page controls.  During inital page load this dropdown box has its selection established.
    I have modified the page to provide extensive tracing of the cuteeditor actions.  Here is what I find:
    ---trace shows --- (on start-up)
    reload = xindex.htm
    reload settings = 92   (note: this is the selected index value of the dropdownlist1)
    --- user observations and actions ----
        on initial page load the page load event has selected the 92nd  item in my (dropdownlist1) and based upon the value (xindex.htm) has correctly loaded the cuteeditor text box and displayed the page for editing.
    At this time the user makes some changes to the page which cute editor correctly renders within the editor text box
    Then the user presses the save icon -- first item on the top row of the standard tool box which results in the following trace actions.
    --- trace shows ----
    Indexchanged = xindex.htm
     settings = 92
    Save file = xindex.htm
    --- the error is ----
    the listbox1.selecteditemchanged has been issued (by the cute editor save action) when there was no change to the selected list index
    the result is that the cuteeditor source has lost the changes by reloading the original page source before it.... saves the changes
    If the user then repeats the same procedure
    That is he makes the same changes to the editor text box which have been lost by the above save action,
    Then the user presses the save icon -- first item on the top row of the standard tool box which results in the following trace actions.
    --- trace shows ----
    Save file = xindex.htm
    This is the correct processing and the user changes to the page are successful.
    Now that I understand what is happening I can probably code around the problem, however it is clearly inconsistent in it's behavior.
    I suspect that some of inconsistencies the other people complain about are based similar inconsistencies.

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