Looking for clarification on CSS style loading on DNN / CuteEdit

  •  06-15-2007, 11:00 AM

    Looking for clarification on CSS style loading on DNN / CuteEdit

    I noticed in the forums that the style sheets loaded to populate the CSS classes are:
                    Dim s1, s2, s3, s4 As String
    = Common.Globals.HostPath & "default.css" 'default css
                    s2 = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinPath & "skin.css" 'skin css
                    s3 = (PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc).Substring(0, PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc.LastIndexOf("/")) & "/skin.css"
                    s4 = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory & "portal.css" 'portal stylesheet
                    cntlCE.EditorWysiwygModeCss = s1 & "," & s2 & "," & s3 & ", " & s4
    Is the s3 ref to the container style sheet? I am not a developer, but it doesn't appear to be. If it is not container.css, what is it?
    Finally, if container.css is not getting loaded, can I load this by hacking in a 5th setting? (s5)
    Thanks in advance,
    Jim Begley
    Glide Computing
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