Chat - Integration Questions

  •  06-27-2007, 8:47 AM

    Chat - Integration Questions


    We have integrated cute chat into our web application. We need further assistance in customizing some of the features. Please provide a feedback on the following questions

    1. Is there a way to remove a menu item from Tools bar (contains font, control panel etc)? We want to hide Control Panel, Skin, Emotions icons

    2. HOw do we customize the list of users in the right pane, the context menu, Select Channel combo etc.

    3. How to send and receive offline messages?

    4. How can a message to be generated by the system to all  or a group of logged in users.  For eg. I have a system user, whch may generate (no physical person) messages to the group. So which all tables to be populated to achieve this or what api's we can use?

    5.  We have embedded the chat window within our application (our application has multi windows within the browser, each of them can be controlled). We need to know when a new message is received at the client so that we can  highlight the chat window. How can we do that?


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