HELP Needed (Disable formatting code in <PRE> Tags)

  •  07-14-2007, 10:01 PM

    HELP Needed (Disable formatting code in <PRE> Tags)

    Hi guys
    I Got major issue here, before I decided to purchase your software.
    I am pasting the code inside the editor in html mode e.g
    private void BindStep3()
    if (txtProjectName.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
    Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex = 0;
    Cookie oCookie = new Cookie();
    string sPath = Server.MapPath("/Files/" + oCookie.ClientID + "/" + txtProjectName.Text);
    Editor1.Text = Resources.Resource.articlecontents;
    DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(sPath);
    FileInfo[] fi = di.GetFiles();
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Path"));
    dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Name"));
    for (int i = 0; i < fi.Length; i++)
    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
    dr["Name"] = fiIdea.Name;
    dr["Path"] = fiIdea.FullName;
    rptFile.DataSource = dt;
    But when I switch the editor from normal to html and html to normal
    All my code indentation (spaces) and tabs removed?

    I have disable autoformatting, disable convert html tags
    But it still auto removed my spaces in the code
    Can anyone help me?
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