Re: CleanUpHTMLCode and CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML buggy

  •  07-17-2007, 12:53 PM

    Re: CleanUpHTMLCode and CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML buggy

    I use CuteEditor 5.3 Build 2006-08-18
    About function CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML().
    In Reference Book I read the following:
    CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML() - Use the Clean Up Word HTML function to remove the extraneous HTML code generated by Microsoft Word.
    But after invoking CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML() , I have same problem that shland:
    This function does not remove only Word HTML...
    "<span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 14pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 6pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial\">Here is Section Heading</span><br></span><br>Here is section text<br><br><span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 3pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial\">And a sub section</span></span><br></span><br><br></span>"

    then before saving to the database, we might want to call Editor.CleanUpMicrosoftWordHTML()... so I did, and afterward this call, the Editor.Text property contains this:

    "Here is Section Heading<br></span><br>Here is section text<br><br>And a sub section</span><br></span><br><br></span>"
    Is this problem resolved ?
    Also what functions on the Client Side have I for cleaning Word HTML ?

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