Integration instructions missing a lot? or its just me?

  •  07-24-2007, 6:00 PM

    Integration instructions missing a lot? or its just me?

    I have been given the task to completely test and deploy cutesoft into our upcoming estore app, before the company throws some money at it. One of the MAJOR requirements is the integration with our .NET Membership DB. I customized the app fine, and it ran in standalone mode with its own DB in SQL with no problems.
    Then it came time to integrate it with our Membership system
    To accomplish this a brand new .net membership system was deployed and a new DB with nothing in it but a 3 users one of which had the admin role assigned.
    At first it looked pretty easy to integrate with the one page global.asax c# example instructions. I followed that and added all the implimentations. But then I started realizeng thats the ONLY thing they tell you on how to do this.. there is surely more steps to be done to get this to work like that.
    Any how apart from adding the implimentations in the global.asax... what are the otehr steps that need to be performed? any thing needs added to the web.config??? like role and membership blocks? keep in mind that we have the CuteLivesupport integrated into teh website but it resides in a seprate folder than the website as a virtualWebFolder. It works when not integrated with our membership with no problems?
    Please give me more details on what needs to be done before my boss rejects it as a POS !
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