Intercepting image uploads

  •  07-25-2007, 4:43 PM

    Intercepting image uploads

    Greetings, I'm new to this forum, and have been evaluating CuteEditor and a few others. I'm developing a custom CMS for a client, and have the need to capture image uploads, and perhaps rename the image and store certain metadata in a database. Is this something that can be done with a reasonable amount of effort? Is there a way for me to this (without reverse-engineeering the source)?
    I'm looking for something like..
    on FileUpload(object o, args a){
       // do my stuff
    I'm not looking for someone to write code for me, just tell me, at a high level, what approach one would take with CuteEditor.
    P.S. I'm looking at the developer license.
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