InsertDocument intermittent javascript error on upload

  •  07-26-2007, 4:19 AM

    InsertDocument intermittent javascript error on upload


    I have a problem with one of my websites.  There is an intermittent problem when uploading a file using InsertDocument.aspx as follows (using IE6):

    Line:    90
    Char:   1
    Error:   Object expected
    Code:   0
    URL:     http://......../Admin/CuteEditor/Dialogs/InsertDocument.Aspx?IsFrame=1&setting=!3wEWBAUFZW4tZ2IFAyRhMRUBGXNIy3VyaXR5OkZpbGVz

    The document is an allowed format. Can anyone shed some light on this for me please?

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