Adding a port address as prefix to img src

  •  07-27-2007, 3:11 AM

    Adding a port address as prefix to img src

    We are trying to load an xhtml document to cute editor from database.In our content database  links are stored as relative paths.while displaying the content in cute editor ,<img tag takes the source path  relative to the application folder

    (*<img class="c2" alt="WordDocument_doc_parts/image1.jpg" src="WordDocument_doc_parts/image1.jpg" />)

    I want to replace that tag to the following while the time of display


     "><img class="c2" style="width: 583px; height: 380px" height="380" alt="WordDocument_doc_parts/image1.jpg" src="http://localhost:8016/d/WordDocument_doc_parts/image1.jpg" width="583" /></


    is it possible to solve this problem

    with regards


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