Re: How many concurrent users? Metrics?

  •  08-01-2007, 3:53 AM

    Re: How many concurrent users? Metrics?

    Great stuff!  Thanks for the excellent info.
    >>I'm assumingou need the same sql server per chat room. 
    > That's not necessary. However you can split your users on multiple servers and SQL Servers
    Can you elaborate on this?  Are you saying I can have the same chat room (LocationID=4) with two web servers and each web servers connection string set to a seperate sql server and then users in that chat room would see each others chats regardless of what web server they were connected to?
    Like, I'm connected via load balancing to web1 / sql 1 and you're connected to web2 / sql2 I would see your messages in the chat room and you would see mine?  
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