cute messenger - removing the ability to remove and block contacts

  •  08-13-2007, 10:56 AM

    cute messenger - removing the ability to remove and block contacts

    Adam (or any other support reading)...
    For the sake of keeping this short without explaining our reasoning:
    Is it possible for us to remove all of the buttons/menus that allow the user to remove or block contacts? I have removed the Control Panel menu from the chat, as well as a few other options.
    The ones I cannot get rid of are the "Remove Contact" and "Block Contact" buttons next to the Send File button at the top of the main messaging screen (the screen that opens after you double click a name in your contacts list to send them a message).
    I'm guessing this is going to be in one of the .xml files but I can't peg it down.
    Now, if you really want an explanation for why:
    We are still tossing around ideas for populating the contact list with all registered users (and not requiring the user to add new contacts, or even giving them the option).
    I wanted to try and replace the CuteChatRelation table with a View instead. This would allow us to populate it as necessary without having to make constant SQL queries to add/remove hundreds of contacts.
    For the view to work, I need to remove all code that tries to edit CuteChatRelation, which includes blocking & removing users. Working this out is the only reason we have not already purchased the product. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated & result in us purchasing the product. If you recall, you told me I could insert my own query by passing an ASP array to Javascript, but that wouldn't work because Cute Messenger requires an array of objects, not just a string array of names.
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