page automatically refreshing

  •  08-16-2007, 5:12 PM

    page automatically refreshing

    I recently installed a very limited version Cute Editor for a clients content management of their website.  Every thing works great.  Except.......when I view the page that has the info that needs to be edited.  I first displays the text editor and the text that need to be edited.  The page then automatically refreshes, and the editor is still there, but the text is missing. If I click the browsers back button, all is well..... but I can't leave it like this for my client.  Has anyone else had this problem?  Herr is the code I used for each text area my client needs to edit: (PS, this works fine with the site on my local host, so I know its not a browser problem.)

                     $editor4=new CuteEditor();
                     $editor4->TemplateItemList = "bold, italic, underline, FontName, FontSize, Save, Undo, Redo, InsertLink, Unlink";
                     $editor4->Text= stripslashes($aboutDetail);

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