Stipped down form of HTML output

  •  01-04-2005, 2:03 PM

    Stipped down form of HTML output

    I was looking at the example on and when you submit the page the html displayed shows only the items entered (not the form tag, body tag, table tag, etc).  I downloaded the demo and tried it out but the html I am getting has the body tags and such in it.   I even copied the line of example code diplayed on the page but it only caused a parse error stating the following: 'EnableAll' is not a valid value for attribute 'AutoConfigure'. It must be of enum type 'CuteEditor.AutoConfigure'.

     I am using editor1.GetFullHTML to copy the HTML into a seperate text box on the page, is GetFullHTML the wrong thing to use?  Thanks for the help, Carla :)

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