Re: weird display problem - large blank space at top of editor

  •  09-06-2007, 3:29 AM

    Re: weird display problem - large blank space at top of editor

    ok, i've spent some more time looking into this and discovered that the problem seems to lie within the content the client was entering in using the editor. Using content i created myself i can avoid the bug. However, when i paste their content in to your new demo editor on the site the same problem does not occur. Perhaps its a bug that got fixed in the latest version release? I've looked through their code and although a little messy i cant see any reason why it would cause this strange bug. Here is a copy of the content they created using the editor: /forum_uploads/ 
    When i paste it into the editor window as html then switch to preview i get the bug.
    Perhaps my version of the cuteeditor has been corrupted somewhere along the line?
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