CE 6.0 GAC issues and Obsolete properties

  •  09-07-2007, 5:56 PM

    CE 6.0 GAC issues and Obsolete properties

    After upgrading CE from 5.3 to 6.0 I have some issues to address.
    To get CE working correctly using GAC I had to edit the two load.ashx files and the web.config file in the Client_Files folders.

    New Load.ashx file:
    <%@ WebHandler language="C#" class="CuteEditor.LoadHandler,CuteEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3858aa6802b1223a, Custom=null" %>
    New web.config file:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <compilation defaultLanguage="c#">
        <add assembly="CuteEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3858aa6802b1223a, Custom=null"/>
      <pages autoEventWireup='false' />
    Is there any reason why version number, PublicKeyToken etc. is not included by default?
    All "SetSecurity" properties (ie SetSecurityMaxImageSize) seem to be obsolete, and are replaced with the "Settings" property.
    These obsolete properties are not reported by the compiler, and caused a major bug in my project.
    All obsolete propeties must be maked as obsolete or removed.
    As I have followed the development of CuteEditor through several versions I believe that there is need for documentation on how to upgrade from one major version to another, with a list of obsolete properties and other important changes. This documentation should be included in the download package.
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