Problems with CuteEditor 6 and IE - content changes not posted back to the server

  •  09-17-2007, 11:57 AM

    Problems with CuteEditor 6 and IE - content changes not posted back to the server

    Since I downloaded the latest version of Cute Editor 6 I've been having some issues with IE: content changes are not always posted back to the server (I'm using ASP.NET 2.0 and IIS6 on Server 2003).
    If I view an aspx page with CE6 on it, make some content changes then click save, neither the values of cute's .text or .xhtml properties reflect the changes made.
    Please bear in mind that until I updated Cute Editor, the site in question was working just fine. I've tried re-uploading the dlls and the cutesoft_client folders but this makes no difference.
    This issue does not affect Firefox and I also can't seem to reproduce it on your example pages. I made my own simple test page and tried to reproduce the problem there... no joy there either. It was only when I changed the "submit" button on my test page to a link button that the problem started happening.
    My test page is at and demonstrates the problem.
    Please note, if you make some changes then click the "+" or "-" to change cute editor's height then click submit, the correct content is submitted to the server.
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