Invite user to conversation... where has it gone?

  •  09-19-2007, 3:56 PM

    Invite user to conversation... where has it gone?

    OK, I may be missing a trick here, but since I started demoing and integrating messenger there hasn't been an option to invite other users to the conversation. I actually thought this wasn't an option but looking around various help files it gets mentioned a few times and is also in screenshots like this one from your site:

    There's also references to it in the language files, like this:

    <!-- Messenger Invite -->
        <resource name="Invite_subTitle">Select the people you want to add to this conversation, and click OK. (You can select more than one people).</resource>
        <resource name="InvitationSent">An invitation has been sent.</resource>
        <!-- End Messenger Invite -->

    So, why can't I see the button? Has this feature been removed from the release?

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