Is it possible to write custom status text on the Cute Editor Control area

  •  09-21-2007, 9:41 AM

    Is it possible to write custom status text on the Cute Editor Control area

    Hi again,

    One of the requirements for our company is for the char count functionality to be contained in the CuteEditor control itself.  I got the char count stuff to work fine, but now my challange is to get it to render on the Cute Editor instance.   This would either be somewhere in the top toolbar with the other buttons, or next to the Normal/ShowHTML/Preview buttons contained in the bottom.  (See diagram below)  I have no trouble adding custom buttons to the the top toolbar area and if I could change the text dynamically this should take care of the issue, but I only seem to be able to add images to custom buttons.  I do not seem to have programatic access to the add controls governed by the ShowCodeViewToolBar property.

    Any help is appreciated,



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