<p>Test Text Completion</p> Results in #1p#2T#9#7t T#9xt C#5mpl#9ti#5n#1/p#2

  •  09-28-2007, 12:29 PM

    <p>Test Text Completion</p> Results in #1p#2T#9#7t T#9xt C#5mpl#9ti#5n#1/p#2

    I have some code where I dyncially insert multiple CEs on a page.  When I post them back inorder to get the data out and instert them ino a DB the data from the HTML box is converted.  Any thoughts on this.
    <p>Test Text Completion</p> Results in #1p#2T#9#7t T#9xt C#5mpl#9ti#5n#1/p#2
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