Re: Replacing editor in news publishing program

  •  10-03-2007, 1:41 PM

    Re: Replacing editor in news publishing program

    This is the last word from Vivvo

    "The way I see this, CuteEditor uses PHP integration code, and TinyMCE uses JS integration code. Therefore those two cannot simply be swapped, by replacing TinyMCE code inside article_add and edit templates. If, by any chance, CuteEditor used JS integration, this would be much easier.

    I'm afraid I can't help much more at this point, for this requires digging in CuteEditor's documentation and changing Vivvo to use PHP integration for wysiwyg instead of JS."
    Vivvo CMS Dev. Team

    The instructions make this out to be an extremely simple to install app.....but my fears have been realized when trying to replace an embedded editor, and not having a lot of scripting experience. Myself and two of my staff, and three Vivvo people have tried working on this, and cannot get it to work at all. I'd very much like to get this sorted and use Cute Editor.

    thanks for all your time and help Adam, we'll get this sorted and I'll get this guide finished.
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