Re: FormView Edit sometimes not saving in IE7 but always in Mozilla

  •  10-22-2007, 10:32 AM

    Re: FormView Edit sometimes not saving in IE7 but always in Mozilla

    I have been experiencing this same problem. I think I have determined that it is a problem with the events firing. If I understand this editor correctly it seems to update a hidden textarea, but it does not happen with every key stroke. It seems to only fire the update when onfocus or onblur is fired. In the example shown in this post and in my experience, if you change the text and then click a button the content will never update, but if I change the content in the editor then click somewhere outside of the editor or in the button toolbar, and then click a submit button it saves. My suggestion is that the update to the hidden textarea should be fired on the onkeyup or onchange event. I just got the latest trial code for the editor just last week and I still have the issue. What should I do now?
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