You can embed a div tag and assign an ID.
When CuteEditor_OnChange event is fired, update the innerHTML of this control like we did in the folllowing example:
>>Could you show me where to include the div tag.
CuteEditor.ToolControl tc = Editor1.ToolControls["insertcustombutonhere"];
// Create a HtmlGenericControl here instead of an image control
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image Image1 = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image ();
Image1.ToolTip = "Insert today's date";
Image1.ImageUrl = "tools.gif";
Image1.CssClass = "CuteEditorButton";
Image1.Attributes["onclick"]="var d = new Date(); CuteEditor_GetEditor(this).ExecCommand('PasteHTML',false,d.toLocaleDateString())";
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