Tracking properties of selected item in Cute editor

  •  11-01-2007, 2:56 PM

    Tracking properties of selected item in Cute editor

    Is there a way to track the current Selected object or element  in the cute editor.
    I have created a custom button using which user can add hyperlinks [ these hyperlinks are generated based on user inputs in the custom pop window]. I am able to add the hyperlinks to the cute editor, but if the user wants to edit the hyperlink, he has to select the hyperlink by highlighting the hyperlink. Now how do we identify the URL, title and other properties associated with this hyperlink.
    Cute editor has a functionality where in user can add hyperlinks by clickin on "Insert Hyperlinks" button and if cursor is placed on this hyperlink and if he clicks on the "Insert hyperlink" button of cute editor then the pop-up window with the properties of hyperlink will be opened, I want to have a similar functionality, How do we get the properties or attributes of the hyperlink on which the cursor is positioned.
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