Re: users removed from chat due to inactivity

  •  11-10-2007, 1:35 AM

    Re: users removed from chat due to inactivity

    the Inactivity Timeout if for the user who close the browser not correctly .
    7200 is too large . maybe 300 is better.
    That's why I said all i said about AJAX poll callbacks. 120 seconds for timeout is fine, I said, for AJAX poll callbacks, even on really bad connections. But people were being disconnected for not SAYING anything. And then when I changed this to 7200 seconds (that's two hours), their problems seemed to have gone away, and yet when a user really did disconnect by timeout it still timed out in a couple minutes.
    So it seems to me that not I but one of CuteSoft's engineers (assuming CuteSoft isn't a one-engineer micro-ISV) got confused about the Inactivity setting.   
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