Re: Oracle folder is empty

  •  11-26-2007, 2:24 PM

    Re: Oracle folder is empty

    Is it possible to have oracle support in different schema ? As we are using tables and field names without quotes.
    like you have:
    CREATE TABLE "CuteChatBadWord" (
    "BadWordId" NUMBER (32,0) NOT NULL,
    "BadWord" NVARCHAR2 (50) NOT NULL,
    "MatchType" NVARCHAR2 (50) NOT NULL,
    Primary Key("BadWordId")

    I expect
    CREATE TABLE CuteChatBadWord (
    BadWordId NUMBER (32,0) NOT NULL,
    BadWord NVARCHAR2 (50) NOT NULL,
    MatchType NVARCHAR2 (50) NOT NULL,
    Primary Key(BadWordId)

    Its not a problem for me to change script file, but problem is calls which you are making from APP.
     In 3.1 version when you provide OracleOleDb.config file I was able to fix that myself. Now you take out that feature.
    Is anything can be done about that ?


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