Paragraph Dropdown

  •  12-03-2007, 10:47 AM

    Paragraph Dropdown

    Hi there.
    I already found something similar but as that solution does not seem to work I publish my concern anyway.
    I want to add the following to the common.config file:
    <item text="textsmall" value="textsmall">
      <html><![CDATA[<span class='textsmall'>textsmall</span>]]></html>
    Indeed this paragraph is displayed in the dropdown box but if I assign it to any text the result in HTML mode is just
    Sometimes it's even

    It neither works using the <div> tag (insted of <span>).
    I know I could use the CSS dropdown - at least theoratical - but CuteEditor seems not to be able to interpret all CSS conventions:
    #content .text .textsmall
    If I do so the concerning CSS dropdown remains empty.
    What can I do???
    Thanks and regards,
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