Problems with embed-Chat

  •  12-14-2007, 6:06 AM

    Problems with embed-Chat



    We plan to use CuteChat4 in a CMS-Environment, embedded in a UserControl, using the login-information of the CMS.

    The Chat is working, offline on my own PC as well as online, but as soon as I log on to the Chat, the chat thinks, I am the first user logged on, after the chat was started (CuteChat.ChatSystem.Start). Also I cannot log on with another user, becouse the chat thinks I am the same user.

    Offline on my PC I checkt the programm in debug-modus and found out, that the function “GetUserInfo” (and other such functions) are never called after the first start.

    So I have 2 questions.

    First, how do I make the chatsystem notice, that there is a new user logging in and

    Second, which Developer’s Guide is the actuell one? There is one in the downloadsection ( and another one is in the Cute Chat and Web Messenger integration package. The Integration-Part of the Guid’s is quite different.


    Thanks for any help.

    Regards, Jan.




    ChatControl is being loaded in the CMS.


    public partial class ChatControl : PortalModuleControl


        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)



            CuteChat.ChatProvider.Instance = new MyChat(sCompanyID, sUserID);


                CuteChat.ChatSystem.Start(new CuteChat.AppSystem());



    public class MyChat : CuteChat.ChatProvider


        String gsUid;

        public MyChat(String uid)


            gsUid = uid;


        public override string GetConnectionString()


            String s = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["Chat_ConnectionString"];

            return s;



        public override string FindUserLoginName(string nickName)


            return gsUid;


        public override AppChatIdentity GetLogonIdentity()


            string loginname = gsUid;

            string nickname = xxx_lib.GetNickName(loginname);

            return new AppChatIdentity(nickname, false, ToUserId(loginname), HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress);


        public override bool GetUserInfo(string loginName, ref string nickName, ref bool isAdmin)


               nickName = xxx_lib.GetNickName(loginName);

               isAdmin = false;

               return true;


        public override bool ValidateUser(string loginName, string password)


                // User-Validation is done by the CMS

                return true;



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