Possible minor bug with URLType property?

  •  01-05-2008, 4:19 PM

    Possible minor bug with URLType property?

    I think I've discovered a minor foible with the URLType property and non-standard http ports. I develop several web sites on my machine and serve them from localhost with different port numbers, e.g.:
    Using "http://localhost:81/photos/test.jpg" as a sample image reference, I find is the following behavior:
    If I set URLType to default the control returns the following source attribute in the HTML:
    img src=/photos/test.jpg

    If I set URLType to absolute the control returns the following source attribute in the HTML:
    img src=http://localhost:81/photos/test.jpg
    Both of these seem fine. But if I set URLType to site relative the control returns:
    img src=":81/photos/test.jpg"
    Note that in converting the reference to site relative, it is not stripping the port number as I believe it probably should to be truly relative from the root of the site. Is that correct?
    Not a big deal at all, just something I noticed and figured I'd share.

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