Re: Problem with Editor.Text reset and image gallery - reproduced with demo

  •  01-13-2008, 4:29 PM

    Re: Problem with Editor.Text reset and image gallery - reproduced with demo

    Forgot to mention. Yes, I've found the point in the gallery code (Line 156):
    s = s & "<img onclick=""parent.insert(this.src)""

    However I can find NO reference to parent.insert in your "API documentation" or
    elsewhere in the code. I am guessing this is a call to the parent windw's DOM that
    adds a reference to the image, but again since there is no documentation of what
    is happening here, I need some further guidance. Obviously additional javascript
    calls must be begin made (to close the popup window, etc.) but again without
    proper documentation on "API integration" how am I supposed to infer what is
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