EditorOnPaste abnormalities

  •  01-25-2008, 5:46 AM

    EditorOnPaste abnormalities

    We are seeing a few issues with pasting text.
    if no editorOnPaste defined then when pasting plain text from notepad... we are seeing font tags being added. (seem to be taking the colour from the EditorWysiwygModeCss body specification)
    if EditorOnPaste of Default; then this seems to work as we want... taking account of the breakelement being set at P
    if EdittorOnPaste of PasteText we are seeing <br/> being used as the break element even when it's defined as p before the editoronpaste definition...
    So it looks like we are able to work around the issue by defining the editoronpaste as default... but not sure if this is storing up problems as I presume it will not strip all html bar tag and carriage returns like PasteText should do?
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