The differens between the Save image button and the Update button?

  •  01-24-2005, 2:07 PM

    The differens between the Save image button and the Update button?

    This forum is really good to get your problems solved.
    What is the differens between pressing
    the "Save"-image button on the editor toolbar or
    pressing the "Update/Submit" button below the editor?
    When I edit a new html page in the editor - I wan't to press save-image button and save the content to a database.
    When I want to edit the html page:
    Do I have to have both the "Save"-image and the "Update/Submit" button?
    What button should I then press?
    I press the Update button now.
    How do you check which button been pressed?
    if request("action")="save" ....
    This checks both buttons?
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