Re: formating problem when copied text from ms word

  •  02-09-2008, 7:55 AM

    Re: formating problem when copied text from ms word

    hello adam,
    after doing what you say my problem still remains the same.
    below i am pasting the text which got distorted.

    1.                  Match list A (equations) with list B (rogions).                                                                       List I               List II                                       (A) |Z| > | 3 |    (1) Wole plane             (B) 1 < |Z| < 2 (2) A straight line                (C) |Z| = |Z|      (3) Interior of a circle                (D) |Z| < 0        (4) Exterior of a circle                                 (5) Between two                                                    concentric circles                                         (6) No region exists                        Codes                                                              A         B         C         D

    a.       2          3          1          4

    b.      4          5          1          6

    c.       4          1          5          6

    d.      2          4          1          3
    plz solve this problem
    with regards,
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