Re: Configuration possibilities and a small request

  •  02-13-2008, 4:48 PM

    Re: Configuration possibilities and a small request

    Please note that I am here to help you.
    It seems as though we're both here to help each other. I have a receipt somewhere that would serve to reinforce this theory.
    You have the choice to use this version or not.

    Ok, so am I to respond with "so now you tell me!", or "so you're confirming that it's a release candidate?". [rimshot]
    Seriously Adam, I appreciate any feature requests you can get implemented.  And please don't take my frustration personally.  I just hope in the future your developers pay a little more credence to the term "release" and take advantage of beta testers before blasting out emails like the one below from November '07:
    Cute LiveSupport version 4.0 is out!
    The Cute Live Support team is pleased to announce that the long-awaited version 4.0 has finally been released. 
    In this major version release, we totally rewrote the whole application.  Numerous optimization methods have been applied. It's clean, compact, extremely fast-loading, but still powerful and efficient. We also add many new features and fixed many bugs.

    To quote Tinny Tim, " raised my hopes and then dashed them quite expertly sir!"

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